Friday, February 28, 2020

The Medici Effect Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Medici Effect - Case Study Example Despite the fact that all the ideas he develops do not materialize all the times, the truth is that the ideas exist. After analyzing this person, I have concluded that the main opportunity for the person or group in the case, is the nurturing of the Medici effect, which in real sense is taking the opportunity of intersecting disciplines and cultures, and combine the existing concepts as presented by those cultures and disciples, to come up with a wide range of extraordinary ideas (Johansson, 7). The example that Johansson has given is that of the Medici family that created an intersection of cultures and disciplines through funding various kinds of experts such as poets, philosophers, painters, artists, sculptors, scientists, and architects, who in turn came together to learn and discuss from one another (Johansson, 3). Through learning, they intermarried the ideologies, perspectives and concepts to come up with a range of newly creative ideas that broke the barriers between the disciplines, and thus charted the way for revolution, growth and immense developmental advancement. To take advantage of these opportunities, I suggest that a person or group of individuals should focus on multidisciplinary integration, which entails integrating ideas from various disciplines and cultures, as opposed to isolating the disciplines and learning them independently. This is because, teaching the various disciplines differently gives rise to directional ideas, which follows a similar and common path (Johansson, 163). However, while allowing various cultures and disciplines to intersect while being studied, an opportunity arises where an individual or a group of people can generate an idea that is a hybrid of the various cultures and disciplines, which charts a new direction of development, allowing the individual or a group of individual to generate an idea that is of their own. The creation of a novel idea then generates followers, and makes the

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Agency and Partnership Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Agency and Partnership Law - Essay Example ADC Ltd is a company needs 20 sets of Model XXP computers by Christmas 2009 by spending no more than  £20,000. Dan is the sales assistant from PC Express, who offers Andrew 20 sets of the new Model XXP Plus computer at a discount price of  £30,000. Andrew is sure that ADC Ltd would want the new model of computer rather than the old model and asked Dan to wait for an hour so he can speak to ADC Ltd in order to get the permission. He discloses that this order would be beyond his power and he is only acting as the agent. When Andrew rings Dan back to confirm the order he is asked specifically whether he received consent from ADC Ltd, Dan is told that it has all been sorted and that permission has been given, the order is made and the goods are delivered. However, Andrew did not in fact seek permission from ADC Ltd, he did ring but no one answered the phone call. Considering he had to contact Dan from PC Express in an hour, he concluded the deal before the written or oral permission from ADC Ltd.  After Christmas, ADC Ltd asked Andrew to buy another 35 sets of Model XXP computers due to the expansion of the business. James owns a company involved in the production of computers and his business is mainly on importing computers from China and reselling them to the customers in the UK. James has just imported some Model XXP Computers from China. Knowing that Andrew often works as an agent for many companies in the computer business he contacted him with the purpose of concluding a contract.